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Limited Time Offer. Let's Go!

AMA Members get 1 free day + up to 25% off base rates.*

Save up to 25% off the base rate when using your CDP discount code 11635 plus, combine promotional code 211393 for FREE DAY when you reserve for at least 5 days.*

Offer must be booked between 4/15/2024 and 5/31/2024 for vehicle pick-up through 6/15/2024.

Valid on all car classes except large SUVs, minivans and Dream vehicles.

See below for full Terms & Conditions.

Terms & Conditions

*Reserve for at least 5 days and pay for one less day. Discount applies to base rental rate only. Taxes, fees and options are excluded. Offers are available at participating Hertz locations in the U.S. and Canada. Age, driver, credit and qualifying rate restrictions for the renting location apply. Twenty-four (24) hour advance reservation required. Offer not valid and rate change or additional fees may apply in the event of reservation modification, early/late vehicle return or if not returning vehicle to renting location. Offer has no cash value, and may not be used with other discounts, promotions or special rates. Valid on all car classes except large SUVs, minivans and Dream vehicles. Offer must be booked between 4/15/2024 and 5/31/2024 for vehicle pick-up through 6/15/2024. Subject to availability, blackout periods and additional restrictions.